My comment to their new version
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 8/20/2015, 1:24 am
While this article is a bit better than the original in the sense that it presents this company as a business competing among private weather companies rather than the previous article where it could easily be confused for an official organization, there are still a lot of issues.

First off, the official organization for hurricane information in the North Atlantic basin is the National Hurricane Center:

In my opinion, any conversation had about a private weather business like this should mention official sites like that explicitly. Many of your readers may not know this and it is good to educate people about it.

The official organization for weather information in general for the United States is the National Weather Service:

More information can be found on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) website:

I have a recommendation for this business regarding these statements:

"Carlson promises 95 percent accuracy, as opposed to the 60 to 70 percent rate of other weather services."

"Customers will be alerted to weather conditions in their specific locations, and Carlson promises NSC data will be better than the National Weather Service, which focuses on regions as opposed to specific locations."

These statements are patently ridiculous. You can try to improve on the National Weather Service if you like, but making promises like you are makes me write you off completely. You can try. If you have the money, go for it, try to develop better technology. But prove it works and stop making outlandish claims beforehand, it just makes you look ridiculous.

Weather research is very important, and its great that lots of organizations want to try to improve things, but you have to be realistic and demonstrate your effectiveness. This is about science, not about who makes the boldest claims.

As for other statements in this article, I haven't researched all the facts of them. But given the claims presented, obviously I have doubts.

I hope that the Pensacola News Journal more carefully reviews what they publish in the future regarding important things such as this. There should never be any doubt on where you go for official information and the original article was especially unclear on that.
In this thread:
National Storm Center??? - Beachlover, 8/19/2015, 5:51 pm
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