Re: Chris: WPAC Recon? - OT
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 10/14/2010, 8:19 pm
Unfortunately I have never setup my recon system for that due to the resources it might take. I'm always afraid of how much load it would put on my site. If I do it even temporarily then I would have to keep up with it too and it would have the least amount of priority on my site. Usually the priority of my site's systems goes like this on my site:

1. Old Atlantic Model System
2. Atlantic Recon System
3. New Model & Best Track System (Atlantic, East Pacific, and Central Pacific)
4. East Pacific Model System (active when someone lets me know there is recon into a storm)
5. Possible West Pacific recon system (though I have never done it)

Sometime next year I will probably phase out my old Atlantic model system, assuming the new one continues to work. That will allow me to have some room to use resources to do other things. I do get a lot of requests to do West Pacific storms, especially from hurricane hunters, but it will not be until next year before I really consider doing it when someone lets me know to activate it. One problem is that my recon system is designed to work for one basin for each script. If I had it for the East Pacific and West Pacific at times in addition to the constant running Atlantic system, then I would have to have three separate systems to update. (For the East Pacific I have done that and that script is older and has less features than the Atlantic one because I hardly ever update it.) The recon system is very bulky and has a lot of scripts working together meaning a lot of things to update all over the place. My new model system is a good guide to how I want to redesign my recon system since the new model system works for three different basins and even though it runs live all the time for all three basins, it could be turned off for some basins. In the past year or two I have been making more steps toward getting the recon system easier to work across different sites, but I need to do a lot of work still since the recon system is so spread out over many different files. In theory though, it should work for the West Pacific.
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Chris: WPAC Recon? - JAC, 10/14/2010, 11:01 am
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