Re: What I Learned From This Thread
Posted by Cape_Fear_NC on 8/28/2009, 8:42 pm
Are you saying there's something wrong with his criticism of those people - or there's something wrong simply with the fact he criticized them?

Did you read those criticisms and find them unworthy? Were they irrational? I haven't read them so I can't say - but I have read his response to the criticisms and they are enlightening.

Mother Teresa for supporting the Duvalier regime in Haiti; Bill Clinton for approving the pardon of a drug dealer at the behest of Clinton's half-brother (with money changing hands); and Kissinger for devastating Cambodia, Cyprus, Chile and East Tumor - as well as for being a raving liar (which was proved in court.)

The criticisms you mention have become a template for bashing Hitchens and in his words about the literary community: "...the surreptitious way that dissenting views are marginalised or patronized to death."

(This just happened to be in the forward of the book I'm reading; and he further explains the hows and whys the criticisms came to be.)

Is it a coincidence your (Theresa, Clinton, Kissinger) comment matches exactly what I read at the beginning of my book? Or are you a heavy reader of an author you dislike? Perhaps you are; or perhaps you read the reviews and let them influence you?

Tim in NC
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What I Learned By Watching The Weather Channel For 20 Minutes Today - DougInBrevardForce10, 8/27/2009, 1:19 pm
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