Re: Vaccines and masks work
Posted by Beachlover on 8/25/2023, 1:08 am
I heartily second everything Chris said here. This is NOT a political issue, but a public health one.
Jim, I join all your fans and supporters who are terribly sorry you've had to go through all this, and only hope you're feeling better now.
My son texted today from Chicago, where he had flown Sunday for some special dental work, to say he felt rocky last night and tested positive for COVID this morning. He's already on Paxlovid, to help prevent serious disease and Long COVID. Didn't ask whether he wore a mask on his flight Sunday but am betting he didn't.
A friend's son and grandson flew home to Bangkok last week and ended up with COVID. Didn't ask about masks but, again, am presuming they weren't worn on that flight. We may all be returning to masks sooner than we'd hoped.
Vaccine for the latest variants won't be out 'til probably late September. I'll be getting that as soon as it's available.
In this thread:
now I have covid - jimw, 8/20/2023, 8:34 am
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