More radar
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 8/29/2023, 10:34 am
My favorite Florida radar loops are from the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). They have the radar and NHC track on the same image.

Southwest Florida:

Then closer to landfall, west central Florida:

NOAA's Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) System display:

For when it is near Tampa, I like the local NBC affiliate's radar display:
They have their own radar and imagery is every 1 to 2 minutes.

Really long loops from Brian McNoldy:

Enhanced NOAA radar display:

College of DuPage:

You would think it was a normal day in my neighborhood. Recycling truck went by earlier and trash truck is going by as I type this. People have all sorts of stuff in their yards still. One person I think did move their boat.
In this thread:
4am CDT Tuesday on Hurricane Idalia: 75mph; N at 14 mph; 981mb - Chris in Tampa, 8/29/2023, 5:18 am
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