Re: Alligator Point is 29.91N - 84.36W (Elev. 7 ft) - my home is 60 ft. from open gulf-front.
Posted by karen on 8/21/2020, 8:53 am
With you both, in all respects. 56 miles from gulf, in my older years, full freezer (also not shopping often due to virus), fear of contagion if staying in hotels. The only difference is that my car is running okay (as far as I can tell. I don't go any distances and I stay home, but start it up weekly to keep the battery charged), and am halfway down the state, so if I don't go, and don't go early, I am stuck here.

I always feel a frisson of fear when deciding whether to leave or stay for these storms, but this year, with the virus, is absolutely terrifying.
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Hurricane in Gulf Aug. 23 ? - AlligatorPointer, 8/18/2020, 7:49 pm
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