Re: Hurricane deja vu
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 8/3/2016, 9:25 pm

I just made a slight adjustment to make another Tweet work, but this one seemed to. If you ever do a Tweet and you can't see it when you preview the page, but you don't see the raw HTML that you used to post it, it is added properly. It's the browser's security blocking it from being shown.

To get your Tweet to show when you preview the page, remove the script that calls: widgets.js

The code at CaneTalk removes that script, if it exists, and always adds the script. So you don't need it entered to view the Tweet. For security, when you enter a script through a form, and then try to view it when you preview your message, the browser will block it from activating. If you view the browser console (Ctrl + Shift + I  on Chrome) you will see the security error. When the script doesn't exist in your reply, but the site adds it because it recognizes the HTML as you trying to add a Tweet, it adds that code and then it works properly.

You can also use the "Embed Video / Social Media" feature at the bottom of the reply box to add a link to a page there to get the media to show up in your message.

There are quirks. Some things do not work sometimes. It's just like links, sometime they don't get automatically created, although the code to generate links automatically is very complex and hard to make it work better without creating links that should not be created. Usually adding two spaces after the link or having it on its own line will work. Or use the "Link" feature at the bottom of the reply box. I often make tweaks to the social media code as sites change things sometimes and for security I require an exact format for each social media site. If a single character is out of place, the site rejects it.
In this thread:
Hurricane deja vu - cypresstx, 8/3/2016, 8:44 pm
  • Re: Hurricane deja vu - Chris in Tampa, 8/3/2016, 9:25 pm
  • Re: Hurricane deja vu - canetrakker, 8/3/2016, 9:25 pm
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