Re: StormW leaving Weather Underground
Posted by Jackstraw on 9/16/2010, 9:37 pm
That was probably not a good way to put it on my part.  What I was trying to say, now that I have time, was that he understands that they are tools and not scripture when it comes to forecasting.  I think there are way to many who put to much weight into the models and he is one that always pointed that out.  To go out on a limb, and as much as I respect him, some of Masters analysis this year sounded like model echo's.  

As one that was weaned on John Hope I enjoy analysis the old school way, charts, experience and human interpretation with an extra model wrench in the tool belt.  I know that most on this board understand that if for anything else, Jim has no problem jumping off of the train if he thinks they've been derailed.

It's like Fantasy Football.  You can watch the stats roll on your PC but if you don't watch the games, you're probably going to be wrong.
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StormW leaving Weather Underground - CypressTX, 9/16/2010, 8:55 am
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